Paper with The Word Due Diligence and a Magnifying Glass on a Desk

In the intricate world of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), due diligence is a crucial process to ensure the transaction is smooth, transparent, and free of hidden liabilities. While financial health, legal status, and operational efficiencies often take center stage, sales and use tax due diligence is a critical component that should not be overlooked. Neglecting this aspect can lead to significant financial, legal, and operational consequences post-acquisition. Here’s why sales and use tax due diligence is essential in any M&A activity.

Understanding Sales and Use Tax

Sales tax is a consumption tax imposed by state and local governments on the sale of goods and services. Use tax, on the other hand, applies to goods and services purchased outside a taxing jurisdiction but used within it. Both taxes are pivotal sources of revenue for state and local governments and can vary significantly across jurisdictions.

The Importance of Sales and Use Tax Due Diligence

1. Identifying Hidden Liabilities

One of the primary reasons for conducting thorough sales and use tax due diligence is to uncover any potential tax liabilities. A target company might have unpaid sales or use taxes, incorrect tax filings, or past underpayments that could become the responsibility of the acquiring company. Identifying these liabilities upfront allows the buyer to either renegotiate the purchase price or ensure appropriate indemnifications are in place.

2. Ensuring Compliance and Avoiding Penalties

Tax compliance is complex, especially for companies operating in multiple states or countries. Each jurisdiction has its own set of rules and regulations regarding sales and use taxes. During due diligence, assessing the target company’s compliance with these regulations is paramount to avoid future penalties, interest, or possible legal actions. Non-compliance discovered after the acquisition can result in significant financial burdens and reputational damage.

3. Accurate Financial Reporting

If not properly accounted for, sales and use tax liabilities can distort the target company’s financial statements. This can mislead the acquiring company about the true financial health of the target. Due diligence helps ensure that all tax liabilities are accurately reflected in the financial reports, providing a clear and honest picture of the company’s financial status.

4. Strategic Tax Planning

Understanding the target company’s sales and use tax landscape can offer opportunities for strategic tax planning post-acquisition. Identifying areas of potential tax savings, better compliance strategies, or efficient tax structures can provide financial benefits to the newly formed entity. Effective tax planning can enhance the overall value of the merger or acquisition.

5. Facilitating Smooth Integration

Post-acquisition, integrating the operations of the two companies can be challenging. Sales and use tax compliance needs to be seamlessly integrated into the new entity’s tax practices. By addressing tax issues during the due diligence phase, the acquiring company can develop a comprehensive integration plan that ensures compliance from day one, avoiding disruptions to business operations.

Key Steps in Sales and Use Tax Due Diligence

Conducting thorough sales and use tax due diligence involves several key steps:

  • Document Review: Examine all relevant tax documents, including past tax returns, audit reports, and correspondence with tax authorities.
  • Tax Nexus Analysis: Determine the jurisdictions where the target company has established sales and use tax nexus, which obligates it to collect and remit sales and use taxes.
  • Compliance Check: Assess the target company’s compliance with sales and use tax regulations in all applicable jurisdictions.
  • Audit History: Review past tax audits to identify potential issues or recurring problems.
  • Liability Assessment: Calculate any potential tax liabilities that the acquiring company might inherit, including penalties and interest.
  • Integration Planning: Develop a plan for integrating the target company’s tax practices into the acquiring company’s operations.

Let Thompson Tax Help

Sales and use tax due diligence is an essential component of a successful transaction. From identifying hidden liabilities to ensuring compliance and facilitating smooth integration, it is an essential step in the overall process. By giving this aspect the attention it deserves, companies can protect themselves from unexpected financial burdens, enhance strategic tax planning, and ensure a smoother post-acquisition transition. Engaging experienced tax professionals who can provide guidance and support throughout the process is essential.

Contact Thompson Tax today for all of your sales and use tax needs. Let us be your Trusted Tax Advisor.